
Showing posts from September, 2021

HI HO SILVER away!!! Working on show pieces

 Do I really want to put silver on my piece? UMM KIND OF LOL 

What really matters in art!

How does any one really know what matters in Art? Art is very subjective.  I think all input is good even, the input that makes you walk away shaking your  head. Some times in life the only take away from a conversation is how not to treat people.  Art! I love art !! Do you think when some of the first artist painted the caves in Lascaux, France they  would think in five centuries their bulls would be a topic of discussion. Art is telling with education  art brings history.  How do we know a finished piece verses a rudimentary, unfinished piece? We learn, grow, and knowledge happens. Unfinished edges , flat pieces, glue, left on wax, bad coloring, all these things are learned through art. Then School, BFA, MA,MFA,  academia is learning how to get torn apart through art.  It gives you a tough skin with art you have to be fearless. Choke down the criticisms.  There will be some that care and truly want to help you but not all. Many people think...

Replicating Heads!!!


Finished PRINTS!!


Peter Codling Inspiration!

                                I have viewed Mr. Codlings work he is a charcoal master.  When I first started to University to earn my BFA I worked only in charcoal and graphite. His work inspires me. I think he had a lot of influence on my nearly works.  I have since moved into color . I was asked why am I setting in the middle of East Texas drawing sea creatures. The sea calls my name it always has even before I was influenced by Peter Codling.  Maybe I need to come full circle I still work in charcoal when in between pieces. I was super excited to be in the London Biennale I was actual in a show with one of my art heroes... even though I have a long way to go.   

What is Art ??

 Can art be just about materiality?! I believe that it absolutely can . To discredit materiality would be to discredit artists such as Judith Scott. Judith Scott is a world renowned artist that has Downs Syndrome. This artist wrapped Items with any thing she could find. She made beautiful works of art all by materiality. I believe  that art  and material are cohesive. I do put a concept with my work because I know if I do not some one will.  What an inspiration!  

New ceramics to accompany prints


Layering Prints

 This print is 30 x 29 Inches it is layered with many layers of chin-Colle paper it has various inks, paper, and paint with French Posh-ware over the top and another layer of Chin-Colle was added

Works in progress
